Breaking Up & Detoxing Biofilms
by Dr. Michael W Roth
Question: Can EDTA disintegrate and clear out harmful biofilms in the body?
Answer: Yes
What are biofilms?
Biofilms are protective coatings that bacteria and fungus form to protect themselves from antibiotics and herbal treatment. They are likely at the root of infections that won’t go away such as Candida, H. pylori, SIBO, fungus and more.
Biofilm is technically defined as a thin, slimy film that bacteria, yeast & other microorganisms secrete and hide within as a protective matrix, whenever they are in hostile environments. Wherever microorganisms live, you’ll find biofilms. Dental plaque is a form of biofilm. The greenish, slippery slime that grows on rocks in rivers and waterways is another form of biofilm.
Biofilm is a necessary component for life to exist. It is estimated that 99% of all microbes exist within biofilm environments.
However, the biofilm that we are most concerned with is the pathogenic kind that develops within the human body and is now believed to be the cause of so many long-term health conditions and infections around the world.
It is now estimated that 80% of worldwide infections are biofilm infections, ranging from the common urinary tract infection or sinus infection to the complex long term health conditions such as U.C., Lyme or cystic fibrosis.
Biofilms are extremely difficult to eradicate because the human immune system is not capable of penetrating mature biofilms. Even the most potent antibiotics we have today aren’t capable of killing the pathogens that are protected within biofilms.
One study discovered that bacteria living beneath biofilms are up to 1,000 times more resilient to antibiotics than if they were free-floating or in a planktonic state.
Biofilm is extremely toxic to the human body. Even in very small amounts. It is made up of nearly a half-dozen neurotoxins, called lipopolysaccharides, which are known to cause a multitude of symptoms including headaches, lethargy, all-over body-aches, and mood & digestive disorders.
And research has found that bacteria aren’t the only ones that create and benefit from these biofilms. Once a biofilm is formed, other pathogens are known to utilize its protection as well.
When left unchecked within the body, these pathogens (bacteria, yeast, molds & parasites) are able to freely multiply within this biofilm. This sets up a dangerous environment inside the body, as eventually a toxic threshold is reached. The waste that is produced by these overgrown colonies reaches a breaking point, and the body can no longer process these toxins quickly enough.
What results is that the body begins to slowly break down. It’s not that pathogens pose a huge problem. Essentially, it’s the toxic waste that they produce and drip-feed the body on a daily basis which causes the “boiling-over” effect, when illness is reached.
These lipopolysaccharide toxins are what end up circulating throughout the body and have been observed in medical studies to sometimes turn-off, or even modify immune cells3.
How Biofilm Toxins Hurt Us
The 2 main classes of lipopolysaccharide toxins are called endotoxins and exotoxins.
Endotoxin: Secreted by gram positive (offending pathogens) bacteria which helps to form the structure & integrity of the inner cell wall.
It’s often responsible for the Herxheimer reaction or die-off that can often happen when the cell wall is broken open and the endotoxin is released into the body for disposal via lymph, but can often overwhelm the detox channels if it’s done too quickly.
Exotoxin: Another lipopolysaccharide, but this is secreted outside the cell wall, in order to lyse (break down) biological tissue of the host, such as proteins and fats, in order to provide food for the offending pathogen.
This is known to be a much more potent neurotoxin and is believed to contribute to dozens of neurological symptoms found in long term health conditions such as sleep and mood disorders, lethargy, body aches and general malaise.
Research strengthens the believe that by removing the offending pathogenic overgrowth that are secreting these potent toxins within the body, the bulk of symptoms can be lessened or even reversed, especially if the host can effectively disrupt this protective biofilm layer while simultaneously starving them of their food source, for a long enough period of time.
How Enzymes Dissolve Biofilm
The safest and most effective method of dissolving biofilm has been discovered by using specialized proteolytic enzymes and/or EDTA, for a long enough period of time. The length of time for the protocol varies, depending upon how long the illness has persisted for. Often the older the illness, the longer the time required for a biofilm protocol, with some people going a full year of biofilm disruption and then a lifetime maintenance program to combat and prevent repeated assaults.
EDTA: An Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Agent for Use in Wound Care
Methods used for preventing and eliminating biofilms are limited in their efficacy. However, a number of anti-biofilm formulations incorporating EDTA have demonstrated efficacy on in-vitro biofilms.
There is growing evidence that EDTA is an antimicrobial and anti-biofilm agent in its own right.
The effect of EDTA and its ability to chelate and potentiate the cell walls of bacteria and its ability to destabilize a biofilm by sequestering calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron makes it a suitable agent for use in the prevention and management of biofilms.
Free-floating or planktonic microorganisms are generally vulnerable to antimicrobials. However, when microorganisms attach to a surface, the predominant microbial state, they often become recalcitrant to many antimicrobials. As discussed, this is because at any biotic or abiotic surface microorganisms proliferate culminating into the formation of an antimicrobial tolerant biofilm.
The effect of EDTA on bacteria was reported 50 years ago. Numerous EDTA compositions and combinations provide powerful antiseptic activities and function as antimicrobial agents against bacteria and pathogenic yeast. EDTA compositions are highly effective in eliminating existing biofilms, and preventing biofilm formation.
Dr. Michael Roth is a retired Doctor of Chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle and effective removal of toxic chemicals, graphene oxide, heavy metals and more from the body.